Wednesday, 27 November 2019


Maledict Car is a beautiful series of reflections of Tokyo, directed by Kosai Sekine also check out his other film, Right Place. Evacuate with Jemapur Beneath The Water Surface , by the same director, has some lovely slow motion underwater shots: Almost sculptural, like being surrounded by helicopters, it is electronic without any loss of soul; a very well crafted emotional peak. Maledict Car and Clarte are available on youtube but being able to check them out full screen is great. The final track picks up the finale with upbeat drums fronting a robotic rhythm circulating over a beautiful piano background and we evacuate in style…. jemapur evacuation

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Clartethe third track, slowly ramps up the energy with a wailing guitar and evacuarion can begin to hear the album developing into new areas, as if constructing itself while you listen.

jemapur evacuation

Fans not wanting to miss out on the awesome DVD and packaging, however, will feel the need to import. Aanaatt descends into a drifting soundscape, still much more mechanical in feel than say, Moons And Cattails from Dok Springs, but definitely warm.

Almost sculptural, like being surrounded by helicopters, it is electronic without any loss of soul; a very well crafted emotional peak.

yoyopop! » # Evacuate with Jemapur

I look forward uemapur fresh updates and will talk about this site with my Facebook group. Evacuate with Jemapur Consistent melodic elements are set against rhythmic pulses and grainy noises. The album begins with a classical piano, setting a quiet scene as the next track fades in slow drums over further mellow piano.

Plus a cool ending twist. Beneath The Water Surfaceby the same director, has some lovely slow motion underwater shots: Jemapur has said his aim is to create the electronic music that Bach may have composed if he was still alive today. Maledict Car is a beautiful series of reflections of Tokyo, directed by Kosai Sekine also check out his other film, Right Place.

Jemapur : Evacuation - MAREK OKON : DESIGN + ART DIRECTION

Vexations contains deep plunging beats, almost dubstep in tone, while elements of white noise start to creep in Re: The sound of this album is distinct from his previous work, demonstrating more controlled compositions than the frenetic Dok Springs.

Roman Signer exploded Within the next 12 minutes we stray musically from atmospheric and dreamy to jumpy and mechanical before Documents creates a pivoting point in the middle of the album and resets the rhythm at mellow, ready to rebuild. The final track picks up the finale with upbeat drums fronting a robotic rhythm circulating over a beautiful piano background and we evacuate in style….

Mail will not be published required. A still from Beneath The Water Surface.

Sorry for the Inconvenience

evacuafion September 18th, at 9: Aanaattdirected by German film-maker Max Hattler, uses the slow pace and build of the track as context for abstracted yet absorbing stop-frame animation. It sounds like an underwater Flying Lotus.

Evacuation is available to download on iTunes, but of course you will miss out on the DVD and the lovely packaging…. Name required Mail will not evacuationn published required Website.

September 8th, at 9: However, this comes from an artist who now claims to be following in the footsteps of classicism. Damu brings heat to your speakers!

jemapur evacuation

Maledict Car and Clarte are available on youtube but being able to check them out full screen is great.

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